
Sussex Golf Captains

Bunkered Brighton & Hove Worthing Eastbourne Downs A beautiful fairway East Brighton Crowborough Beacon Cooden Beach Rod and Peter The Committee Ian Potter and Andy Plowright President's Day The Duck Whisperer Haywards Heath Peter and Colin Ian Potter's Captain's Day

Welcome to Sussex Golf Captains

Bedfordshire v Sussex

Nigel gives it to Dave

In this rather lacklustre summer, Sussex Golf Captains results have echoed the weather, with occasional flashes of sunshine, the odd heavy downpour, and a lot of grey drizzle. Our record stands at four wins, four losses and two draws. Next up were Bedfordshire Captains. For those of you not geographically minded, Bedfordshire is about three hours north of god knows where.

But how, in the battle for the BEDSEX Trophy, would our lusty lotharios fare? Would they…oh,  I give up; insert your own innuendos here.

Read on, dear heart, read on. 

Sussex v Cambridgeshire

John receives the CAMSEX Trophy from Nigel

Following a two-match unbeaten run, a home fixture at Royal Eastbourne gave us an excellent opportunity to make it three in a row. However, Cambridge captains are noted for fielding strong teams. The last time they came to Sussex, they beat us at Crowborough Beacon; no mean achievement.

So, with the rain clearing away, a gentle breeze and the promise of apple crumble for pudding, off we went. 

Read the full match report HERE

Patron's Day

Our Patron, Mark Terry, relaxing with a Lime and Soda (?)

 We first held Patron's Day at Crowborough Beacon in 1999, making it our 25th anniversary.

This is one of our most popular events, and why not? A beautiful course with stunning views and a warm welcome, what's not to like? Well, since you ask...the weather. Overnight it chucked it down, and the start was delayed whilst the greenstaff cleared the water from the course. They did a brilliant job, and without their heroic effort, we would have lost the day. However, the golfing gods smiled at us, and the rain stopped, the sun shone, and the course was in perfect condition. 

Following an excellent lunch, with jelly for pudding! it was on to the results. 


1st -  Nigel Wates (Captain) and Andrew Newman from Nevill GC with 43 point

2nd - Tony Head and Jim Tucker from Copthorne GC with 40 points

3rd - Terry Ferber and Tom Drysdale from Lewes GC with 39 points

4th - Andrew Selfe (Crowborough Captain) and Gary Reeve-Wing with 39 points

Here is a selection of images from the day. 

Sussex v Surrey

They say it never rains on the Captains, but how wrong they are. Most of these pictures were taken in the safety of the dining room!

Today, we met at West Hove. If all else failed, there was always the pudding table to look forward to. So, how would we fair? Would Sussex be singing in the rain? Or would soggy Surrey be sorry they’d come to Sussex? 

It is summer, you know!

Check out the full match report HERE

Sussex v London

Matches with London are always a lot of fun and usually close contests, which Sussex usually manages to win. The last time London came to Sussex, they suffered an ignominious defeat at Cowdray Park. Would history repeat itself? How would old Two Pints Nugent fare? What would the wine be like? And, would Mitch fall for the old 'Pull My Finger' routine? 

Check out the full match report HERE

Captain's Day

Nigel Wates stops to tell us about the one that got away. 

On Friday, we rocked up to the Nevill for Nigel Wates's Captain's Day. And what a day it was! The sun shone (a bit), the wind blew (quite a bit) the greens ran quick (a lot) and there was much laughter and joy (an awful lot). As always, the food and service was excellent. It is always a pleasure and privilege to come here. 

The course has firmed up as summer goes on, and the longer ball run definitely suited some of our more aged players. The winner, Barry Chapman (88) from Royal Eastbourne turned in a very respectable 41 points. It showed that the conditions were not easy. 


1st Barry Chapman - 41 points

2nd Rasoul Shahilow - 39 points

3rd Trevor Pigram - 39 points

4th Paul Kemp - 38 points. 

On behalf of all the Captains who played, we would like to thank Nigel for his generous hospitality. 

Here is a range of happy snaps from the day. 

Sussex v SLC-SGA

This is one of the most hotly contested matches in our golfing year. The men won comfortably in 2022; the ladies gained their revenge in Ian Potter's year. The big question is, how did we fair this year? Did we reign supreme or do the ladies, as in life, hold the upper hand? 

Nigel Wates reluctantly hands over the Joe Lee Salver to Rosemary Reese

So, after the keenly fought contest, etc. etc. etc., the match was declared a draw at 5-5. Everyone went home happy, believing this was a fair result. However, in the rosy afterglow, we noticed an error in the counting. TBF, counting up to ten can be tricky. Now, no one is to blame, Nigel. Accidents will happen. Following a recount, the ladies won 6 - 4 and retained the Joe Lee Salver for another year. 

It seems that the men may need the courtesy shots! 

You can read the full match report HERE

Peter Ward's

President's Day

Craig Millyard (1) receives the winner's silver from Tarzipan. Craig shot 66 gross to win with 40 points. 


1st - Craig Millyard (Dyke) - 40 points

2nd - Iain McKay (Cottesmore) - 36 points

3rd - Paul Crompton (East Brighton) - 36 points

4th - Andy Lamb (Highwoods) - 33 points

Thank you to everyone at Brighton and Hove who made this day such a success. The course was in excellent condition, with firm, quick greens and a pushy breeze to speed us along. It wasn't easy out there, as the number of scores below 30 points showed. However, Craig played an almost perfect game to win by 4 points. 

The icing on the cake was the food, Clay Morris sent out a stunning buffet lunch, dessert, and a cheese board. Worthy of note was the morning bacon roll, one of the best I've had for years. 

The biggest thank you goes to Peter Ward, our host and President. On behalf of everyone, thank you for a wonderful day. 

As ever, here is a showreel of the day. 

The Members Invitation

On a beautiful Thursday morning, we rocked up at East Brighton GC for this year's invitation. With light winds and lots of sunshine, our happy band went out to stop East Brighton from winning all the prizes. But how did they do? 



1st - Scott Tracey and Billy Goodwin from Dale Hill with 45 points. 

2nd - Ed Whiffin and Mike Frei from Cottesmore with 44 points

3rd - Mitch Clark and Gary Skivington from Tandridge GC with 42 points

4th Peter Ward and Rob McKellar from Brighton and Hove with 42 points

Sussex v Oxfordshire

Can Nigel keep the winning run of one going? Will Oxfordshire return home with Diddly Squat? Would Sussex be sent down on the downs, and how would golf's oldest pairing fair against the junior section? And, more importantly, what was the food like?  Click on the link above to find out what happened.  

Hampshire v Sussex


Hampshire took us to Cams Hall. Would Sussex return to winning ways? For that matter, would Nigel? Following the latest results, our Captain is employing a strategic pairing algorithm. Can AI power Sussex to victory? Will Hampshire confirm that ignorance is bliss? Click the link above to find out what happened. 

Sussex v Somerset

Nigel's search for another win continues. Suggestions that he has a better chance of finding Dr Livingstone are completely unfounded. Meanwhile, how were the greens? What was the pie like? And who did what to Craig?

To find out, click the link above and read the match report. 

Dorset v Sussex

Armed with bucket and spade, kiss me quick hats and a carrot for the donkey, we headed off to Bournemouth to take on Dorset Captains. 

Click on the match to read the report on our narrow but heroic defeat.

Pros Day 2024

On Thursday, we headed off to Copthorne Golf Club for Pros Day. Once a year we like to show our appreciation for the support local Pros give to Sussex Golf Captains by hosting a Pro/Captain competition. It is also an opportunity for us to watch an array of talent show us how to play the game. 

On the eve of this year's event, we had a massive thunderstorm, which dumped millions of tons of water on Sussex. Somehow, against all the odds, the club's greens staff managed to get the course into playable condition for an 8 a.m. tee-off. The greens were in perfect condition, and the trees and bushes were just starting to shoot. We were set for a lovely day of golf. 

The Pros Competition

Jonny Ingram receives the winner's trophy and a cheque from Nigel Wates. 


1st - Jonny Ingram - 66

2nd - Chris Croucher - 70

3rd - Luke Ringrose, Russell Buxton, Mark James and Jack Davis - 71

The Team Competition

The Copthorne Team receive the winner's trophy from Nigel Wates


1st - Copthorne - Stewart Ford, Steve May, Russell Buxton and Graeme Ivory - 128

2nd - Cottesmore- Nigel Powell, Trevor Pigram, Paul Young and Sam Passmore - 129

Here is a slideshow of the day

Next up, the Member's Invitation at East Brighton 

The 2024 Spring Mixed

It was off to Highwoods for the Spring Mixed. Whilst the day started with rain, it soon cleared to blue skies and a light breeze. With perfect green and the trees coming into bud it was a perfect spring day. 

The Winners

Natalie Evans and Lee Bonaldi with Nigel

Ist  - Natalie Evans and Lee Bonaldi

40 Points

2nd - Rita Griffiths-Glover and Keith Oliver

37 Points

3rd - Heidi Dronfield and Mitch Clark

36 Points

4th - Rachelle Black and Harold Knight

35 Points

A big thank you to everyone at Highwoods for everything they did to make the day such a success. 

Here is a slideshow of the day. 


Cornwall v Sussex

Nigel Wates's first match as our Captain is also the first match on tour. So, how did the team do? Was there cake involved? and did anyone get injured by a flying pastie? Click on the match to find out. 

Devon v Sussex

Overfed, overwatered and over there, how did we fare against the Devon? 

The 2024 Spring  Meeting

Congratulations to Nigel Wates and Peter Ward as they take on the roles of Captain and President.  

This year, because of Nigel's Captains Day, we moved the Spring Meeting to Dyke GC. Given the weather we've had, this turned out to be a wise decision.  Despite the soggy spring, Martin and everyone at the Dyke did a magnificent job in allowing 128 of Sussex's finest to brave the wind, rain and a little bit of sun. Thank you. 

As for the competition.

The Winners

Ist  - Craig Millyard and Rasoul Shahilow

41 Points

2nd - Kevin Weatherhill and Dave Boys

40 Points

3rd - Guy Goodens and Roger Hyde

38 Points

4th - Ian Potter and Trevor Jones

38 Points

Here is a showreel of the day

Richard Cowlard Before and After Guy Goodens and Roger Hyde Feeding Time Trevor Jones and Ian Potter

The season is up and running. The next competition is the Spring Mixed at Highwoods.

The 2023 Bristow Tankards

Ian Potter, presenting the Bristow Tankards to Keith Talbot and his guest, Ian Topp. 


Keith Talbot and Ian Topp with 46 points


Nigel Wates and David Fraser with 43 points


Des Malcolm and Glen Morgan with 42 points

What a brilliant day. Thank you to everyone at Dale Hill for your wonderful hospitality. Our guests thought the course, the food and the beer were excellent! We'd also like to say a big thank you to our guest of honour, Roy Walker, for having us in stitches.

Most importantly, let's not forget our Captain, Ian Potter and his assistants, Andy Plowright and Ian Jaggard, without whom none of this would have happened. 

So, 'That's all folks!' the season is over. 

Winter well friends, winter well!

Here are some pictures from the day. 


Sussex v Buckinghamshire

Our last match of the season meant a trip to the seaside to play Bucks Captains at Littlehampton. Would Ian keep the recent run going or would our opponents buck the trend? What was the pie like? Would it turn into a birdie fest? How was Craig feeling after being seven under par (gross) at Upminster and losing? These questions and more will be answered, HERE

The Autmum Mixed at Ham Manor

The winners, Stacey Dibbs and Pete Rodger. They scored a magnificent 50 points. 

As you can see from the slide show, we had a wonderful day. Ham Manor was a joy to play, the sun shone and we were treated to a magnificent lunch. 


Pete Rodger and Stacey Dibbs with 50 points


Dave Ball and Sylvia Billcliff with 44 points


Steve Dillamore and Gesine Herman with 44 points


Nigel and Laura Bennett with 40 points

Wiltshire v Sussex


On to the second match of our Tour of the West Country as we take on Wiltshire Captains at Wrag Barn. Will we continue our excellent form? Will last night's beer consumption improve our performance? I can't wait to find out, can you? Read the match report here

Somerset v Sussex

And so the tour of te West Country begins.  Following a very long drive, we pitched up at Wells GC, home of the baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells to take on Somerset Captains. How did we do? Who pulled the r out of the h? and was there any beer involved? These questions and more are answered here

Essex v Sussex

After last year's washout at Dale Hill we travelled to Upminster Golf Club to take on the Essex Barrow Boys. Read the report here

Mark Terry's Patron's Day

Mark Terry presenting the winners, Frank Horner (86) and Barry Chapman with their trophies. 

We rocked up to Crowborough Beacon for Patron's Day. The course is in stunning condition; it looks beautiful. The heather, as you would expect, is a test. This is one of Sussex's most demanding courses but our winners showed that if you kept the ball straight and applied a suitable amount of linament, you could score well. 


Frank Horner (86) and Barry Chapman with 45 points


Trevor Pigram and Mick Stacey with 43 points


Keith Hayward and John Macaulay with 43 points


Mark Dunn and Santa Wilkins with 43 points

Up next. the Bristow Tankards at Dale Hill. 


Sussex v Kent


With the wind blowing, the sun shining and Cooden Beach in great condition what more could our merry band of golfers want? Well, a victory against Kent is well overdue. Last year, they took us to Northern France before thrashing us 7 1/2 to 2/12. How would we fare this time? Read all about it here. 

Surrey v Sussex

At Bramley Golf Club. 

Can Sussex maintain their unbeaten run against the stout burghers of Surrey, who will crumble? get turned over? Find out what happened in the match report, here

The Sussex Golf Captains, founded in 1964, are a non-profit making organisation for Past and Present Club Captains of Sussex Golf Clubs.

We organise an extensive program of fixtures and matches for our members to enjoy and promote friendship to all.  By doing so, we look to support Sussex Golf Clubs and help to grow the greatest game ever invented.

Last year we returned over £60,000 directly to Sussex Golf Clubs for hosting our events. This doesn't include the incidentals: drinks, buggy hire, ball sweeps and pro's shop spending.  

We are proud to maintain the respect and etiquette the great game of golf richly deserves.

Join Sussex Golf Captains

Membership is open to any past or present Captain of a Sussex County Golf Union affiliated golf club, where the said club offer course courtesy to Sussex Golf Captains. An application form can be downloaded here. 

If you are unsure, please contact the Secretary. 

Membership Application Form

Latest News

The 2024 Spring Mixed

Friday 26th April 2024

What a delightful day of golfing! A beautiful course, great food, and perfect greens—what's not to like?

A quick guide to entering matches

Wednesday 3rd April 2024

A six-step handy tip sheet to allow you to register for matches.

Peter Yeates

Wednesday 7th February 2024

We are sad to report the passing of Peter Yeates. He was a much-loved past Captain and President of Sussex Golf Captains.

Captains Day

Saturday 24th June 2023

What happened, who won and how good was the food!

Sussex v Dorset

Saturday 20th May 2023

A match report from our visit to Pyecombe

Spring Meeting and AGM

Sunday 9th April 2023

A short summary of the Spring Meeting and The AGM, with pictures.

The Clothing Page Has Moved

Tuesday 21st March 2023

The Clothing Page has moved to the INFORMATION menu.

Incoming Club Captains and New Members

Saturday 25th February 2023

Please warmly welcome incoming captains and new members of Sussex Golf Captains. We wish them well for their year of office.  

All News

Upcoming Competitions

The Gordon Clark Friday 2nd August (6 days)
60th Anniversary Event Wednesday 21st August (25 days)
The Autumn Mixed Thursday 12th September (47 days)
The Bristow Tankards Thursday 3rd October (68 days)
Bristow Tankards Dinner Only Thursday 3rd October (68 days)

All Competitions

Latest Results

Patron's Day Friday 12th July 2024
Captains Day Friday 28th June 2024
President's Day Thursday 13th June 2024
Members Invitation Thursday 6th June 2024
Pro's Day Team Event Thursday 2nd May 2024

All Results

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