What can we say about Captains Day without running out of descriptive superlatives? It was brilliant, even the weather played its part. The sun truly shines on the righteous.
A big thank you to Ian for putting on a splendid day. He was suported by an army of helpers, from starters, refreshment hostesses, and a photographer. Ian Jaggard did a great job of running the competion and organising the day.
Special mention goes to the catering staff, the food was the best we have had this year. Look at this pudding! It tasted as good as it looks.
Worthing Golf Club put on a show. The recently spent a lot of money refurbishing the clubhouse, it was worth it. The open, light and airy space provided the perfect spot for golfers to relax and enjoy the fine company.
We will gloss over minor details, such as whose job it was to bring the trophy? who forgot to bring a jacket? and who forgot his shoes?
Here is Bryan Mundy from Worthing receiving the trophy from Ian Potter. He also won enough wine and spirits to open his own pub!
Bryan Munday (Worthing) - 40 Points
Nigel Wates (Nevill) - 38 Points
Paul Black (Crowborough) - 35 Points
Mike Grindell (Dyke) - 35 Points
Even the President went home with something. Here is Brian Street with his nearest the pin prize.