As a non-profit making organisation, The Sussex Golf Captains are run by a Committee. This comprises the Captain, Vice Captain, Immediate Past Captain, President, Honorary Secretary, Match Secretary and up to three committee members.
The AGM is held in April, at the Nevill Golf Club.
Find out who the committee and officials of Sussex Golf Captains are, here.
Founded in 1964, Sussex Golf Captains brings together past and present captains of Sussex County Golf Union affiliated clubs. Being a golf club captain is a tremendous honour, and there is a strong bond between those who have held this office. This makes Sussex Golf Captains an organisation of friends, who join together to support golf in Sussex. Last year we returned over £60,000 to Sussex Golf Clubs.
Read about the history of Sussex Golf Captains here.
Our list of past captains can be found here .
Every organisation has rules and procedures to govern its successful operation, and we are no different.
The Rules of Sussex Golf Captains can be found here.