
Sussex Golf Captains

Peter Ward RIP

Peter 'Tarzipan' Ward

We are sad to report that our President, Peter Ward, has passed away.

Peter has been at the centre of Sussex Golf Captains life for many years. As well as his years on the committee he has served as Captain and President. He felt honoured to have been so lucky. In all probability holding office is not what he will be remembered for. Peter embodied everything the captains stands for. He was open, friendly and welcoming. He would laugh, joke and smile, nothing ever seemed to get him down. He always felt he was amongst friends.

I first met Peter, when Mark Terry was arranging the tour to Cornwall and Devon. This was when I was a relative newcomer to the captains. He told me that as a newbie I would have to share a room, and he had chosen Peter as my room mate. It turns out that it was a marriage made in heaven. From the very first day, we became firm friends. So much so, the master baker presented me with a cake in honour of our friendship.

Almost every picture I have of Peter is of him smiling, laughing and joking. He always had a twinkle in his eye. The picture at the top of this email is my favourite picture of Peter. I will put a gallery on the website. If you have any pictures you'd like included, please send them over.


Peter Ward

Rest In Peace

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