
Sussex Golf Captains

Members Invitation

Friday 27th June
Nevill, Tee - Yellow
H'cap Allowance: 85%

Coffee/tea and bacon rolls will be available on arrival.

Registration is in the bar.

Remember to check your cards.

Your tee time booking is provisional and may have changed

There will be a rolling lunch from 1.30 pm. We will endeavour to commence prize-giving by 4.00 pm.

Please remind your guests that a jacket & tie are required. If this si your guests first time with us, please send their CDH to Joe.

If you have dietary requirements, please contact Nevill GC.

The entry fee is £90 per pair; please pay this directly into the Sussex Golf Captains Account. 

Barclays Bank

Sort Code; 20-12-75

Account Number; 00806382

N.B. If this event is over-subscribed, we will ballot out from unpaid entries.  

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £90.00 Per Team - Members (Optional)
Open To: Men
Current Entries: 87

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