Player registration is in the lounge, and the Club Professional will run a ball sweep. You will be able to purchase Sussex Golf Captains Clothing during the day.
Please check your cards before commencing play.
Coffee and bacon rolls will be available from 7.15 am. Your Captain, Richard Jays, will provide a wee snifter while you are on the course.
The large field means this will be a long day. Please report to the starter at least ten minutes before your tee time, and during play, keep up with the group in front.
Once you have completed your round, the caterers will serve a rolling two-course lunch in the restaurant.
If you have any dietary requirements, please contact Littlehampton Golf Club.
A Sussex Captain’s Blazer or Club Jacket and a tie is required.
Prize giving will follow lunch.
The entry fee is £50 per player; please pay this directly into the Sussex Golf Captains Account.
Barclays Bank
Sort Code; 20-12-75
Account Number; 00806382
N.B. If this event is over-subscribed, we will ballot out from unpaid entries.
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