
Sussex Golf Captains

The Autumn Mixed

Thursday 11th September
Ham Manor, Tees - Yellow (Men), Red (Ladies)
H'cap Allowance:

Coffee will be available on arrival; the kitchen will be open from 07.45 for those wishing to have breakfast (not included).

Captains can collect cards from the registration desk in the main lounge. The Professional is running a ball sweep, and Sussex Golf Captains clothing will be on sale. Please check your cards before commencing play.

Report to the starter at least 5 minutes before your tee time. Tee time bookings are provisional and may be subject to change.

Once your round is complete, please return your cards to the registration desk.

A two-course lunch will be available in the lounge.  

If you or your partner have dietary requirements, contact Ham Manor Golf Club on 01903 783288.

We are entertaining the ladies, so a Sussex Captains Blazer or Club Jacket and a tie are required.

The prize-giving follows lunch, and we aim to have this underway by 4 pm. 

The entry fee is £90 per pair; please pay this directly into the Sussex Golf Captains Account. 

Barclays Bank

Sort Code; 20-12-75

Account Number; 00806382

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £90.00 Per Team - Members (Optional)
Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 91

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