
Sussex Golf Captains

Pro's Day Team Event

Thursday 1st May
Copthorne, Tees - Yellow, White
H'cap Allowance: 85%

The competition will be a stroke play event played from the yellow tees, with Captains playing off 85% of their course handicap and the professional off scratch. The best two net medal scores are to count on each hole—maximum playing handicap 28. 

Register in the lounge, where you can buy Sussex Captains clothing and ball sweep tickets. 

Check your cards before commencing play and adhere to the local rules and please do your part in keeping up with the pace of play. 

Please report to the starter at least 10 minutes before your tee time and take care crossing the busy road.

After golf, a two-course rolling lunch will be served in the restaurant. 

If you have dietary requirements, please contact Copthorne Golf Club directly at 01342 712033

Refreshments will be served at the 10th tee, and in the clubhouse. Because of the number of teams playing, all players must take a break at this point. This is essential to ensure an even pace of play.

Entry Fee is per team and we do not accept part payment. 

N.B. If this event is over-subscribed, we will ballot out from unpaid entries.  

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £180.00 Per Team - Members (Optional)
Open To: Men
Current Entries: 111

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